Love at First..

There are many different ways to finish the phrase “Love at first…” Some insist on love at first ‘sight’. After a new food experience some mention love at first ‘bite’. I have experienced my own ‘love at first’ experience; Love at first SAIL. This is my story.

Late last summer, my wife and I stole away for an overnight in a B&B about 3 hours from our home in central Pennsylvania. In the literature for a nearby lake, I read that sailboat rentals were available so I did my research and decided to give it a shot.

After the necessary paperwork, we walked to the dock. It was only a little Sunfish, which was the perfect trial vessel, but I made the dockworker rather nervous when I told him I had never sailed before. He reluctantly allowed me to continue.

I went alone, at first, just to get a feel for what I was doing. Iunderstood what to do, but needed a few minutes to put it into practice.  When I returned to the dock, the worker asked, “Had enough?”  I replied,”No, just came back to get my wife!” and we were off.

The lake was about a mile long with a variable breeze blowing the length.  I performed half a dozen tacks and worked my way to the far end.  Often I would forego the proper “prepare to tack” statement that signaled a turn through the wind and just look at my wife and say, “Duck.”

After rounding the shallow water warning buoy we turned for the dock on a dead run.  No doubt about it, I was hooked.  Unlike motor powered boats, a sailboat requires thought, input, and activity.  It’s much like an interesting conversation or a dance that insists you remain present.  I want more.  It truly is love at first sail.


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